Our Services
Old City District's mission is to improve Philadelphia's historic district as a place for people to meet, work, shop and live, by supplementing municipal services with maintenance, public safety, economic development and promotional programs.

The service area for Old City District includes the 22-block area bounded by Florist Street to the north, Walnut/Dock Streets to the south, 6th Street to the west and Front Street to the east. This map generally depicts those boundaries
Old City District (OCD) was established by ordinance of Philadelphia City Council in 1998, with the support of the commercial property owners within its boundaries, and in accordance with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Municipality Authorities Act of 1945, 53 Pa. C.S. § 5601 et seq. In November, 2018, the City of Philadelphia authorized a 20-year extension, through the year 2038.
OCD supplements, rather than replaces, the services of the municipal government -- helping businesses be successful, visitors to enjoy their experience here and residents to maintain a high quality of life.
Neighborhood Character
Old City is home to an incomparable set of U.S. historical assets. Here in America’s "most historic square mile", Independence National Historical Park is an international destination, attracting 3.6 million visitors annually. Important culturally and economically, Old City is also home to world-class museums, theaters and art galleries.
The neighborhood offers excellent hotels, a wide range of dining and nightlife establishments, independent retailers and a diverse mix of technology, media, professional and service organizations. Old City employers range from major institutions to solo entrepreneurs, together representing a significant segment of the regional economy.
Some 8,000 residents live in historic townhouses, industrial loft apartments and new condominium properties.
Old City District Programs
- Street Cleaning and Maintenance
- Public Safety
- Economic Development
- Marketing and Promotion
- Streetscape Maintenance and Improvements
OCD Assessments
Assessment Formula
Annual assessment charges are computed by multiplying that portion of the district's annual budget attributed to assessments by a ratio of the assessed value of your property to the total assessed valuation of all the commercial properties in the district.
For more information about our assessments, or to pay your bill online, click on the button below.