Registered Community Organization
Old City District serves as the local Registered Community Organizations (RCO), as recognized by the Philadelphia City Planning Commission. The RCO reviews zoning applications for projects proposed within our geographic boundaries, once an application has been submitted to the Philadelphia Department of Licenses and Inspections (L&I), as prescribed by the zoning code of Philadelphia. This review may result in a position letter sent to the Philadelphia Zoning Board of Adjustment (ZBA). The RCO meets on the third Wednesday of the month, as needed.
Old City District Registered Community Organization Remote Meetings
Tthe Old City District RCO is currently holding RCO meetings remotely. Meetings will take place remotely at 5:15 pm on the third Wednesday of the month unless otherwise noted.
Members of the public who wish to attend the remote meeting must register in advance using a form that will be posted here in advance of the scheduled meeting. Registration must be submitted by no later than 3:00 PM the day of the scheduled meeting. Registrants will receive information on how to join and participate in the public meeting remotely prior to the meeting start time.
Structure of remote RCO meetings:
- The public will start out on mute.
- OCD Staff will provide an overview of the meeting format and voting process.
- Presenters will verbally review their projects, and should use share screen to provide presentation visuals.
- OCD RCO Committee members will ask questions following each presentation.
- Following each presentation, public attendees can submit questions using the chat box function in Zoom, or can verbally ask questions by using the “raise your hand” feature in Zoom to ask to be unmuted.
- Voting will be held after all presentations are complete. OCD staff will send all attendees a form to submit their vote and any comments immediately following the meeting. The OCD RCO will only count votes from members of the public who register and attend the remote RCO meeting.
- The OCD RCO Committee will deliberate and vote following the public meeting. Vote totals from committee members and the public will be submitted to the Zoning Board of Adjustment following the meeting, and the final vote totals will be posted on the OCD website.
This public remote meeting process is evolving, and OCD RCO welcomes feedback from applicants and attendees. Please email any feedback to info@oldcitydistrict.org.
Schedule an RCO review meeting
To discuss your project, schedule an RCO review meeting, or inquire further about the RCO process, please contact Old City District at info@oldcitydistrict.org, before or upon submission of your application to L&I.
RCO Newsletter
If you would like to receive emails about upcoming Old City District RCO meetings, you can sign up for the Registered Community Organization email list at this link.
OCD RCO Meetings - 2024
March 20, 2024, 5:15pm, via Zoom
27 N 3rd Street
- Proposal: Application for proposed assembly and entertainment use in existing building for existing art gallery and improvements including, installation of elevator at rear of existing building with construction of new rear wall, removal of bilco/cellar doors at grade in front of property; with all other uses as previously approved; no change to height or area of existing building.
- Reason for refusal: Whereas the proposed use, Assembly and Entertainment, requires special exception approval from the Zoning Board of Adjustment in the CMX-3 commercial zoning district.
- RCO Meeting Result: Supported.
October 16, 2024, 5:15pm, via Zoom
140 N 2nd Street:
- Proposal: Posse Juice Bar – The proposed use is for a take-out restaurant in an existing attached structure.
- Reason for Refusal: The take-out restaurant use requires special exception approval from the Zoning Board of Adjustment (ZBA) because it is located in the Center City Overlay District – Old City Residential Area.
- RCO Meeting Result: Supported.
OCD RCO Meetings - 2025
February 12, 2025, 5:15 pm, via Zoom
15-17 S 2nd Street:
- Proposal: For the erection of an attached three (3) story structure for use as an eating and drinking establishment sit-down restaurant.
- Reason for Referral: The proposed sit-down restaurant requires a special exception from the Zoning Board of Adjustment (ZBA) due to its location in the Old City Residential Area, which falls under the Center City Overlay District.
- RCO Meeting Result: Supported.