Black History Month Lecture with Dr. Hasan Kwame Jeffries
In honor of the Black History theme, notable scholar Dr. Hasan Kwame Jeffries will address the legacy of African Americans and the Arts. Dr. Jeffries will explore the long tradition of the Black artist-activist using creativity as a catalyst to demand change, challenge stereotypes, and reimagine Blackness while empowering and lifting communities above oppression.
Dr. Jeffries is the College of Arts and Sciences Alumni Associate Professor of History at The Ohio State University where he teaches courses on the Civil Rights and Black Power Movement. He was born in Brooklyn, New York, and graduated summa cum laude from Morehouse College with a BA in history in 1994. At Morehouse, he was initiated into the Pi Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. He earned a PhD in American history with a specialization in African American history from Duke University in 2002. He taught for a year at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, before joining the faculty at The Ohio State University in 2003.
Dr. Jeffries is an author and consultant on several history projects including documentaries. He consults regularly with school districts on developing anti-racism programming. This work includes conducting professional development workshops for teachers, speaking to student assemblies, and developing inclusive curricular centered on social studies. For his pedagogical creativity and effectiveness, he has received Ohio State’s Alumni Award for Distinguished Teaching, the university’s highest award to teaching, and the Ohio State University College of Arts and Sciences Outstanding Teaching Award.