Market Street overpass

Neighborhood Resources

Report a Problem
Emergencies: Call 911.
Non-emergency information or help from the City of Philadelphia: Please call 311 (within Philadelphia) or 215-686-8686 (outside Philadelphia).
Philadelphia Police Department: Old City District falls within the 6th District, which can be contacted at 215-686-3060 or
Trash and Recycling

Residential pickup
Commercial pickup
Collection schedules and holiday collection schedules 
Old City's scheduled city trash and recycling collection day is Friday. Following a city-observed holiday, trash and recycling collection will be one day behind schedule for the remainder of the week. Please note that if a holiday trash delay falls on a First Friday in Old City, trash will be picked up on the normal scheduled day (Friday). If you have any questions regarding collection schedules and holiday delays, please contact Old City District at 215-592-7929 or

How to Recycle

Old City District's street cleaning crew regularly removes graffiti from utility poles, parking kiosks, and other public street infrastructure. Old City District reports other graffiti to the City for removal through 311. To report graffiti to Old City District staff please email the exact location and a picture of the graffiti to To report graffiti directly to 311, please either call 311, use the Philly311 mobile app, or go to
Philly311 provides a way to report non-emergency issues to the City of Philadelphia, including graffiti, illegal dumping, and potholes, among others. Issues can be reported to Philly311 by calling 3-1-1 (within Philadelphia) or 215-686-8686 (outside Philadelphia), through the Philly311 mobile app, and through
Snow Removal
Property owners are responsible for snow removal on sidewalks adjacent to their properties in the City of Philadelphia. Within six hours of the end of a snowfall or freezing rain, owners, agents and tenants must clear a path at least 36 inches wide on their sidewalks, including curb cuts. Do not shovel or sweep the snow into the street.
For further information on snow removal, please visit the Philadelphia Streets Department's website.
SafeCam is the Philadelphia Police Department's crime prevention and investigation tool. PPD asks property and business owners to register their security cameras with SafeCam, and individuals will only be contacted by the Philadelphia Police Department in the future if there is a criminal incident in the vicinity of their security camera. Security cameras can be registered with SafeCam here: SafeCam.
Homeless Outreach
24-Hour Philadelphia Homeless Outreach Hotline: Call 215-232-1984.
Project HOME's Where to Turn Guide
Philadelphia Office of Homeless Services
(215) 686-7175 
City Council
City Council - District 1
Councilman Mark Squilla
City Hall, Room 332
Philadelphia, PA 19107-3290
(215) 686-3458, (215) 686-3459