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Old City Parking Study 2022

Old City Parking Study 2022

The Old City District commissioned Econsult Solutions, Inc. (ESI) to assess off-street public parking availability in and near the District. This study expands upon a 2017 parking availability study conducted by ESI, which measured capacity and occupancy within Center City and Old City as part of a broader study of parking availability and similar work conducted by Philadelphia City Planning Commission (PCPC) in 2015 and 2021. The current study area - bound by Callowhill Street, Walnut Street, 6th Street, and Columbus Boulevard - includes 14 public parking facilities, with more than 3,000 spaces in total. Development occurring since the previous 2017 study has removed a single parking facility with a total of roughly 40 spaces from service. There has been no significant new public parking construction, meaning the overall supply of public parking has diminished since 2017 without exacerbating parking availability. ESI analyzed the number of public parking spaces, and measured occupancy of each facility at four separate times. There were numerous available spaces at all times - resulting in an overall utilization rate of 55% - though some lots were observed to be at or close to capacity.

The full report can be viewed below.